RFC Family Hall (3)
Book Your Reservations at

0314 342 6666 - 0317 7656565
0314 341 6666 - 0316 2444449
RFC Dine-in

You're in the right place for dine-in Family

You’ve come to the perfect spot to enjoy fast food with your family in a dine-in setting.

At RFC Jhang, we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality fast food experience.

  • Family Dine-in
  • Attractive Environment
  • Neat & Clean
  • Cooperation Active Staff
  • Public Safety & Security

Family Dine-in

Cooperative Staff

Zero Time Delay

0 %

Fresh, Hygiene & Quality

0 +

Skilled Professionals

0 +

Orders Everyday

0 +

Pizza of Burger

10 successful years

Some Facts About Us

Food Comes First

Taste the Difference with RFC's Unique Recipes!

Signature Recipes

Get Ready to Experience Fresh & Tasty with RFC!


Dining Experience

Get Your Fast Food with RFC's Quick Delivery!